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公司简介 1897年,求是书院创建,这是中国近代史上效法西方学制最早创办的新式高等学校,选聘外籍教师,选派留学生,成为一个开放的、前沿的、国际化平台,逐斯成就了今天的浙江大学。

      岁月轮回,几经沧桑,一转眼,100年过去。1997年,杭州年代专修学校在杭州大学成立,欲与时代同步。2001年,为迎接加入 “WTO”的挑战,与香港公开大学合作,举办了“国际高级工商管理研修班”,逐步发展成为浙江大学对外开展合作的最前沿和尖端的重要部门之一。迫根溯源,一个更大的平台正在不断的孕育,新的“求是”的萌芽在不断的生长。


      浙江省求是经济与管理科学研究院成为一个全方位开放的、前沿的国际交流平台,逐步与港澳台、美国,欧洲,澳洲,联合国组织等国际知名大学和学术机构、组织建立了广泛的合作和联系。成为浙江省专门从事经济管理理论和实践研究政府区域经济规划,企业管理咨询、培训以及国内外交流等的省级科研培训机构,目标是打造中国南方的权威智库和经济管理的信息库及一流的经济管理商学院;“求是”、“创新”、“开放”和“国际化" 是其主要特色。

      多年来,浙江省求是经济与管理科学研究院在省委,省政府及有关部门和各地党委、政府的亲切关怀和支持下,在名位名誉校长等老同志的直接指导下,从浙江省的实际出发,引进了国际上高级经济管理人才的培养模式,培养了一大批适应浙江经济发展要求的高级经济管理人才,取得了很大的成绩; 是浙江大学MPA教育培训基地、浙江省企业经营管理人员培训基地,浙江省人事教育培训基地等等; 并获得了“浙江省优秀企业经营管理人员培训基地”、“浙江省公众满意质量暨商业信誉优良单位”、“浙江省公众满意质量诚信双优单位”,“浙江省优质教育特色学校”、“浙江省优质教育特色成就奖”、”浙江省十佳培训机构”、“中国最具影响力品牌”,连续被浙江省经信委评为“浙江省企业管理咨询培训行业示范机构”等一系列殊荣。

十多年来,浙江省求是经济与管理科学研究院培养的人才几乎涵盖了浙江省所有重要的政府部门,事业单位、金融机构和大中型企业; 其中有上干名规模企业甚至百亿元以上企业、国家500强企业、上市公司的主要领导人和高级管理人员。他们在各级政府、部门、企事业单位、新闻媒体等重要岗位上发挥着十分重要的作用,成为适应经济发展要求的,学者型的高级经济、管理专家。


      浙江省求是经济与管理科学研究院博采众长、兼收並畜,以开放的姿态,积极吸收国际上的优秀专家,项目和经济管理教学等领城的优质资源进入平台,不仅在全球范围内聘请专家担任研究员,还和境内外很多大学和研究培训机构建立了密切的联系和合作; 不仅派谴学员去境外培训,考察,还接受了境外商学院的学生来学院交流和培训考察。


英文:Introduction of Our Academy

Qiushi Academy,founded in 1897,was the first western-style institution of higher education in China’s modern history.Recruiting foreign teachers and sending students abroad,it became an opening,edge-leading and international platform in that time and finally evolved to today China’s top university——Zhejiang University.

Time comes and goes.A century was past just in a blink.One hundred years later,Hangzhou Era Institute was established in Hangzhou University in hope of keeping pace with the times.In 2001,as to face challenges brought by China’s entry to WTO,the institute set up MBA courses with the Open University of Hong Kong.Gradually,the institute became a forefront in carrying out international cooperation and exchanges in Zhejiang University.Looking back to the old days,we know that a larger platform was under horizon and a new-born academy is accumulating its strength.

Since 2001,leaders from Zhejiang province and Zhejiang University have given great supports to the upgrade of institute.Under the leadership of the former Zhejiang provincial party secretary,our honorary president Tie Ying,the former Zhejiang provincial governor,our honorary president Li Fengping,and the former president of the 5th CPPCC of Zhejiang,our honorary president Wang Jiayang,Zhejiang Qiushi Economy and Management Academy of Sciences was formally established in 2009.

Qiushi Academy is committed itself to becoming an opening,edge-leading and international platform.It has set up comprehensive cooperation and links with other well-known universities in the world including countries like America,Australia,Britain,regions like Hong Kong,Taiwan,Macau,organizations like UNESCO,etc.It aims to become a provincial training academy featuring “seeking truth from facts”,“innovation”,“opening to outside” and “internationalization”,which is specialized in the research of the theory and practice of economic management,government regional economic planning, consulting, training, and domestic and international exchanges.The goal of the academy is to build an authoritative think tank of South China,the information base of the economic management and first-class business school.

In the past few years,it has received the loving care and support from the provincial committee,government and relevant departments.Guided directly by senior leaders,the academy has reached great achievements in introducing international advanced training mode of economic management talents and cultivating a large number of Zhejiang’s senior economic management talents who can adapt to economic development of Zhejiang.It is a base of business management training and personnel training.Zhejiang University MPA education training,Zhejiang Yangtze River Delta senior Management Education and Training Division of Tsinghua University.It has received a series of awards such as the “Enterprise Management Elite Training Base”,“Zhejiang Unit with Good Public Satisfaction and Fine Commercial Reputation”,“Zhejiang Unit with Double Excellence in Public Satisfaction and Quality Integrity”,“Zhejiang Featured Institute of Excellent Quality Education”,“Zhejiang Achievement Award For Featuring in Excellent Quality Education”.Over the past 10 years,talents trained in our academy can be found in almost all important government departments,public institutions,financial institutions and large-sized enterprises.Among them,there are main leaders and high-rank management administrators from more than one thousand large-scaled enterprises and ten billion-owned enterprises,top 500 enterprises and listed corporations.These entrepreneurs play very important roles in the critical positions of all levels of government,departments,enterprises,institutions,news media etc.They have become senior scholar-typed economic and management experts who meet the need of adapting to the requirements of economic development.

Since its founding,the academy has also undertaken a series of major research projects and advisory work,including development planning,economic development consulting and development strategy of all levels of the government.The main leaders of the academy are also on advisory committees at all levels of government and serve as non-executive directors as well as enterprise advisors of listed enterprises.Having launched a “Qiushi Forum”,the academy has become an important platform of economic management information exchange in Zhejiang Province.Qiushi learns widely from other’s strong points and incorporates inclusively from diverse nature.It actively recruits excellent experts in the world to join its team and absorbs premium resource on economics and business administration teaching to enrich its current platform.Qiushi has also established close relationship and cooperation with universities and research training institutions at home and abroad.It both sends students overseas to get training and accepts students from foreign business schools to have training and exchanges here.We are willing to establish cooperation with more organizations and become an opening,edge-leading and international platform of economic management information exchange in Zhejiang Province.We are also happy to grow with Zhejiang’s companies,facing ideal,goal,knowledge,talent,and other core problems that companies meet in their development.

Encountering challenges arose from constantly changing environment,we will integrate theory into practice,international status quo into national condition and future into presence.In that case,we will create higher value for more people and contribute our own efforts to the fast and sound development of Zhejiang economy.


公司愿景: 打造中国南方的权威智库和经济管理的信息库及一流的经济管理商学院。

  • 地址:杭州市余杭塘路69号省委党校文欣校区
  • 邮编:310012
  • 网络传真:0571-56287996
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